更令人覺得匪夷所思的是,文章的開頭就說了:「Ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer。」「核能危險嗎?」那「搭飛機危險嗎?」「你要核能嗎?」「你要太陽能嗎?」「你要開車嗎?」「你要搭火車嗎?」「你要自來水民營化嗎?」有人問我:「輻射有危險嗎?」這個深奧的問題,真的沒辦法用有或沒有來回答。一般生活環境中都有輻射,我們身在世上就在接收輻射,好奇的話可以用美國核能委員會的計算機算一算。這樣的輻射有危險嗎?沒有!問題是,當你在高劑量下曝曬時間過長,曝曬面積大,部位敏感,這就很危險。如此大家就會忘記前面那不危險的解釋,一直覺得核電廠就是後者。
2011年6月22日 星期三
答: CO2排放量固然能掌控,卻沒有人在自制,大家都不覺得二氧化碳對生命有威脅,根本就不在意全世界一天增加多少台車,也不在意多少二氧化碳被排放到大氣中,溫室氣體就一天比一天多,多到地球已經沒辦法全數自然分解,二氧化碳的累積產生了溫室效應,造成全球暖化。再說使基因突變的輻射,使用過的燃料棒輻射強度高,一次放射的劑量大,短時間曝曬對人體的影響高。然而,文中有提到煤炭中的碳14同位素,也會產生輻射,劑量相對低很多,但卻是24小時不斷排放,長時間暴露在這樣的環境中也會不知不覺地累積輻射接受量。再者核能廢料中輻射最強的就是用過的燃料棒,很驚人的是,核電廠營運二三十年來用過的燃料棒都還在核電廠裡,但是核電廠附近的輻射量依舊與大自然中的背景輻射量相同。核廢料的問題用科技能夠解決,但是全球暖化到目前為止卻是無可救藥。
答: 核廢料有輻射,不是科學家不想控制,而是物理性質如此,就像你往上跳只能等著往下掉一樣無法改變。以目前的二氧化碳封存技術想要除去大氣中的二氧化碳,就像放空氣清靜機在馬路上試圖改變該路段的空氣品質是一樣的意思,被大氣稀釋的二氧化碳濃度不能使用碳封存技術,否則所需的能量將付出更高的二氧化碳代價。德國森林的高輻射,來自於自然的背景輻射,因為底下有礦脈。有很多傳說中的輻射地區,輻射來源都跟車諾比無關。這就是為什麼翻譯文中有「抹黑」一說,許多資料仔細閱讀都會發現證據薄弱,但是媒體捕風捉影,只要有一句話就能生出一篇文章。如果說法國人得癌症比例高,台灣似乎比較高?我身邊的人至少有四五個親戚朋友得過癌症,我問過法國人,他們想得起來身邊的人不見得有一個。曾經有一個非常害怕核電廠的德國同學,聖誕禮物買了一個輻射計量器,因為他們家在德法邊界,旁邊就有一座營運中的核電廠,量完之後發現他家輻射並沒有比較高。現在所有替代能源出的問題在於他們無法確保持續供應大量的基礎用電,但是人類並不會因為這樣就停止用電。核能只是一個能夠持續供應電力的方法而已,但是民眾的反應猶如歐洲各國公投一般,他們希望「停止」發展核電,那是因為他們有鄰居可以買電,如果全歐洲都停止核電,他們將燒炭燒個不停甚至於走上電力短缺的路,如果核能是基礎的一部分,為什麼要阻礙它的技術?核電廠安全每代都在精進,但現在在營運大部分是舊的技術,靠外加的系統增強防護,如果淘汰舊電廠,換上更安全的新一代電廠,對人民來說不是很好嗎?
[閱讀資料庫]How Carbon Capture Works
original article: http://www.maritimesun.com/news/how-carbon-capture-works/
Carbon Storage Concerns
Introduction to How Carbon Capture Works
Imagine a scenario where an evil super-genius finds a way to suck all the oxygen out of the air, then buries it in the ground. Sound like the stuff of comic books? Well, yes, if we’re talking about oxygen. But scientists are working on a way to do just that with carbon dioxide. Why capture carbon dioxide from the air? To combat global warming.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a natural gas that allows sunlight to reach the Earth but also prevents some of the sun’s heat from radiating back into space, thus warming the planet. Scientists call this warming the greenhouse effect. When this effect occurs naturally, it warms the Earth enough to sustain life. In fact, if we had no greenhouse effect, our planet would be an average temperature of minus 22 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 30 degrees Celsius) [source: UNEP]. Sure, the skiing might be great, but we’d all be too dead to enjoy it.
Yes, carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect are necessary for Earth to survive. But human inventions like power plants and transportation vehicles, which burn fossil fuels, release extra CO2 into the air. Because we’ve added (and continue to add) this carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, more heat is stored on Earth, which causes the temperature of the planet to slowly rise, a phenomenon called global warming.
Carbon dioxide isn’t the only greenhouse gas (GHG). Others include water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. Scientists estimate that global GHG emissions due to human activities increased 70 percent between 1970 and 2004. Carbon dioxide emissions alone grew 80 percent in the same period [source: IPCC]. Many researchers believe that the process of carbon capture and storage can help us to get this number down to a healthy level.
Carbon capture involves trapping the carbon dioxide at its emission source, transporting it to a storage location (usually deep underground) and isolating it. This means we could potentially grab excess CO2 right from the power plant, creating greener energy.
In this article, we’ll look at some of the existing and emerging carbon capture and storage methods. How could a device snatch CO2 out of the air? And where in the world is it stored? Keep reading to find out.
Trapping Carbon Dioxide: Carbon Capture Technology
Carbon capture has actually been in use for years. The oil and gas industries have used carbon capture for decades as a way to enhance oil and gas recovery [source: CSS]. Only recently have we started thinking about capturing carbon for environmental reasons.
Currently, most research focuses on carbon capture at fossil fuel-powered energy plants, the source of the majority of man-made CO2 emissions. Many of these power plants rely on coal to create energy, and the burning of coal emits CO2 into the atmosphere. Some researchers envision a future where all new power plants employ carbon capture.
There are three main steps to carbon capture and storage (CCS) — trapping and separating the CO2 from other gases, transporting this captured CO2 to a storage location, and storing that CO2 far away from the atmosphere (underground or deep in the ocean). Let’s take a more detailed look at the trapping and separation process:
Carbon is taken from a power plant source in three basic ways — post-combustion, precombustion and oxy-fuel combustion. A fossil fuel power plant generates power by burning fossil fuel (coal, oil or natural gas), which generates heat that turns into steam. That steam turns a turbine connected to anelectricity generator. We call the process that turns the turbine combustion.
With post-combustion carbon capture, the CO2 is grabbed after the fossil fuel is burned. The burning of fossil fuels produces something called flue gases, which include CO2, water vapor, sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides. In a post-combustion process, CO2 is separated and captured from the flue gases that result from the combustion of fossil fuel. This process is currently in use to remove CO2 from natural gas. The biggest benefit to using this process is that it allows us to retrofit older power plants, by adding a “filter” that helps trap the CO2 as it travels up a chimney or smokestack. This filter is actually a solvent that absorbs carbon dioxide. The solvent can later be heated, which will release water vapor and leave behind a concentrated stream of CO2. Post-combustion carbon capture can prevent 80 to 90 percent of a power plant’s carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere [source: GreenFacts]. But the post-combustion process requires a lot of energy to compress the gas enough for transport.
With precombustion carbon capture, CO2 is trapped before the fossil fuel is burned. That means the CO2 is trapped before it’s diluted by other flue gases. Coal, oil or natural gas is heated in pure oxygen, resulting in a mix of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This mix is then treated in a catalytic converter with steam, which then produces more hydrogen, along with carbon dioxide. These gases are fed into the bottom of a flask. The gases in the flask will naturally begin to rise, so a chemical called amine is poured into the top. The amine binds with the CO2, falling to the bottom of the flask. The hydrogen continues rising, up and out of the flask. Next, the amine/CO2 mixture is heated. The CO2 rises to the top for collection, and the amine drops to the bottom for reuse [source: Allen]. The excess hydrogen also can be used for other energy production processes.
Precombustion carbon capture is already in use for natural gas, and provides a much higher concentration of CO2 than post-combustion. The precombustion process is lower in cost, but it’s not a retrofit for older power plant generators. As with post-combustion, precombustion carbon capture can prevent 80 to 90 percent of a power plant’s emissions from entering the atmosphere [source: GreenFacts].
With oxy-fuel combustion carbon capture, the power plant burns fossil fuel in oxygen. This results in a gas mixture comprising mostly steam and CO2. The steam and carbon dioxide are separated by cooling and compressing the gas stream. The oxygen required for this technique increases costs, but researchers are developing new techniques in hopes of bringing this cost down. Oxy-fuel combustion can prevent 90 percent of a power plant’s emissions from entering the atmosphere [source: GreenFacts].
Once the carbon is captured, how is it transported to a storage location? Keep reading to find out.
Transporting Carbon Dioxide
After carbon dioxide (CO2) is captured, the next step is transporting it to a storage site. The current method of transporting CO2 is through a pipeline. Pipelines have been in use for decades, and large volumes of gases, oil and water flow through pipelines every day. Carbon dioxide pipelines are an existing part of the U.S. infrastructure — in fact, there are more than 1,500 miles (2,414 km) of CO2 pipelines in the U.S. today, mostly for enhancing oil production[source: IPCC]. You can put a pipeline just about anywhere — underground or underwater — with depths ranging from a few feet to a mile.
A CO2 pipeline usually begins at the source of capture and travels directly to the storage site — although, in some cases, it might travel as far as it can in the pipe, then transition to a tanker or ship to finish off its journey. It all depends on where the source, pipeline and storage site are located. Both the public and private sector can own pipelines.
Pipelines can transport CO2 in three states: gaseous, liquid and solid. Solid CO2 is commonly known as dry ice, and it’s not cost-effective to transport CO2 as a solid. Pipelines commonly transport carbon dioxide in its gaseous state. A compressor “pushes” the gas through the pipeline. Sometimes a pipeline will have intermittent compressors to keep the gas moving. The CO2 must be clean (free of hydrogen sulfide) and dry. Otherwise, it can corrode a typical pipeline, which is made of carbon manganese steel. As of yet, there are no standards in place for “pipeline quality” carbon dioxide, but experts say that pipelines built from stainless steel would have a lowered risk of corrosion. This, however, may not be economical, since we would have to build brand new pipelines just for CO2.Accidents with pipelines are rare, as we’ve found in decades of use. Only 12 CO2 pipeline leaks occurred from 1986 to 2006, with no human injuries reported. Contrast that with natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines, which had more than 5,000 accidents and 107 fatalities in the same period [source: Parfomak]. Of course, one reason carbon dioxide pipeline accidents are rare is because we don’t really have that many CO2 pipelines in use. Accidents will likely increase as the number of pipelines rises. As CO2 is odorless and colorless, though, adding an odor to the gas could help to detect leaks. Regardless, experts recommend construction of pipelines in low-population areas to minimize any impact.
Pipeline costs fluctuate depending on the route of the pipeline (through heavily congested areas, mountains, offshore). It’s also possible to transport carbon dioxide as a liquid, using ships or tanker trucks. Liquid CO2 requires low pressure and a constant low temperature, so cargo tanks need to be both pressurized and refrigerated. You might be wondering what happens if a ship or truck carrying a tank of CO2 gets into an accident. Unfortunately, there isn’t much data on the subject, but we do know there is an asphyxiation risk if a massive amount of CO2 escapes into the atmosphere. As with tanks that transport natural gas and other hazardous materials, good construction is key. That, and good driving.
Continue reading to learn how carbon dioxide can be stored underground or underwater.
Carbon Storage
After we collect and transport all that carbon dioxide (CO2), we’re going to need somewhere to put it. But where? In some sort of giant storage unit? A huge tank out in the desert? Will we need more landfills to hold our CO2 waste?
Don’t worry, the answer to all those questions is “no.” There are two places we’ve found to store CO2 — underground and underwater. In fact, estimates project that the planet can store up to 10 trillion tons of carbon dioxide. This would allow 100 years of storage of all human-created emissions [source: Science Daily]. (Though we’ll obviously survive much longer than that.)
First, we’ll talk about underground storage. The pressure found deep underground causes CO2 to behave more like a liquid than a gas. Because it can seep into the spaces in porous rocks, a great amount of CO2 can be stored in a relatively small area. Underground storage, also called geological sequestration, is already in use by the oil and gas industries to squeeze out extra oil or gas from depleted reservoirs. Oil and gas reservoirs are well suited to store CO2 as they consist of layers of porous rock formations that have trapped oil and gas for years. Geological sequestration involves injecting CO2 into underground rock formations below the Earth’s surface. These natural reservoirs have overlying rocks that form a seal, keeping the gas contained. There can be risks to underground storage, though, and we’ll discuss those a bit later.
Basalt formations (volcanic rock) also appear to be suitable for storing CO2. In fact, basalt is one of the most common types of rock in the Earth’s crust — even the ocean floor is made of basalt [source: USGS]. Researchers have found that when they inject CO2 into basalt, it eventually turns into limestone — essentially converting to rock. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington State currently has a team devoted to running a pilot project to test basalt carbon storage [source: MSNBC].
Another project, called CO2 Sink, is testing geological sequestration in a location near Berlin, Germany. The project, started in 2004, aims to create a standard for CO2 injection. After injecting CO2 into a sandstone reservoir, scientists will actively study the area for long-term integrity and safety, leakage concerns, and movement of the CO2 within the reservoir [source: CO2Sink]. Also, the Sleipner gas field offshore in Norway has been injecting carbon dioxide into the sea floor since 1996 [source: Solomon].
In addition to underground storage, we’re also looking at the ocean for permanent CO2 storage. Some experts claim that we can safely dump CO2 directly into the ocean — provided we release it at depths greater than 11,482 feet (3500 meters). At these depths, they think the CO2 will compress to a slushy material that will fall to the ocean’s floor. Ocean carbon storage is largely untested, and there are many concerns about the safety of marine life and the possibility that the carbon dioxide would eventually make its way back into the environment. For more information on this topic, read Can we bury our CO2 problem in the ocean?.
Next, we’ll look at some of these concerns in more detail and find out if carbon capture and storage is a viable solution for our future.
Carbon Storage Concerns
Although carbon capture and storage may seem like a miracle solution, it’s not without concern or controversy. To begin, it’s important to remember that carbon capture and storage (CCS) is not a license to continue emitting CO2 into the atmosphere. We need to use CCS in addition to other emission-reduction efforts. However, CCS provides a way to clean up our existing power plants.
Opponents of CCS believe that, while it may be viable, the focus is all wrong. They argue that we should be coming up with ways to wean ourselves off fossil fuels instead of spending time and money on ways to continue using fossil fuels. According to the environmental group Greenpeace, widespread deployment of CCS isn’t even possible until at least 2030.
Another drawback? Current CCS technologies actually require a lot of energy to implement and run — up to 40 percent of a power station’s capacity [source:Greenpeace]. Additionally, if we transport that captured CO2 by truck or ship, those vehicles will require fuel. And, the burning of fossil fuels is what got us into this predicament in the first place.
Creating a CCS-enabled power plant also requires a lot of money. For example, the United States has its own CCS project in the works. FutureGen hopes to build the first coal-fueled zero-emissions power plant. Its goal is to create a power plant that runs on coal but stores carbon emissions underground. The plant would power 150,000 homes and generate 275 megawatts of electricity [source: FutureGen]. Private partnerships and federal monies helped support the project. But President Bush pulled support when projected costs topped $1.8 billion. The government had already sunk $50 million into the project when it pulled its backing [source: Wald]. FutureGen continues to seek private and federal funding today.
The biggest concern with CCS, though, is the environmental risk. What happens if the carbon dioxide leaks out underground? We can’t really answer this question. Because the process is so new, we don’t know its long-term effects. Proponents, however, point to the Sleipner gas field, which has been in operation for more than 10 years without any detectable underground leakage.
What if the carbon dioxide leaks out in the ocean? We do have a little bit of knowledge on this one. In 1986, a natural volcanic eruption of carbon dioxide from a lake in Cameroon killed nearly 2,000 people. They died of asphyxiation from being in close vicinity to the release of CO2. These numbers don’t even take into account the death toll of marine life that called the lake home [source: BBC].
Another effect of excess CO2 in the water is increased acidity. The ocean actually absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere — a phenomenon known as carbon sink. Scientists have recently discovered that some oceans aren’t absorbing as much CO2 as they did in the past. The Southern Ocean, in particular, no longer soaks up as much carbon dioxide, a fact that alarms scientists. The excess CO2 from human emissions appears to be staying on the surface of the oceans instead of sinking. And the more CO2 an ocean surface absorbs, the more acidic it becomes [source: Rincon]. Higher water acidity adversely affects marine life. For example, it reduces the amount of vital calcium carbonate marine creatures need to build their shells.
There are still many questions about whether carbon capture and storage will help to alleviate the greenhouse effect and slow climate change. But one thing’s for certain: carbon dioxide emissions are a worldwide problem.
For more information about carbon, dig your way into the links on the next page.
Source: Ronca, Debra. “How Carbon Capture Works” 09 July 2008. HowStuffWorks.com. 23 March 2011.
by Hsiaowei Chan on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 12:00am
(翻譯)What Italy's nuclear referendum means for climate change/義大利核能公投一事對氣候變異的意義
by Hsiaowei Chan on Monday, June 20, 2011 at 11:10pm
如果德國環保人士真的認真看待全球暖化,他們會轉向廢燃煤火力發電,其為德國現今最大發電來源並因此而為最大排碳來源。反觀新的廢核計畫,將會造成在未來幾年裡必須蓋起11GW(1100萬千瓦)(註一)的燃碳火力發電廠,加上5GW(500萬千瓦)的燃氣火力發電廠。唯一控制這些火力發電廠廢氣的方法將是碳收集封存法(Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS)。而綠色和平組織已經在德國成功地植入危言聳聽的運動反對這項新科技,此舉更確保未來石化廢氣將不減地排放入大氣。
的確,基於預防災害的原則,因追蹤到德國有機農場所生產的豆芽菜造成最近大腸桿菌(E coli)大流行一事,其已造成幾乎與車諾比事件相同的死亡人數(作者撰寫本文時為36人,700多人將因此而終身洗腎)廢除有機農業將是一個理性的抉擇。當然,我並沒有聽到任何人如此建議德國環保人士。而且想像大家只針對豆芽菜是基因改造而非「健康」有機蔬菜而喧囂。
原文在/Original article is at http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2011/jun/15/italy-nuclear-referendum
What Italy's nuclear referendum means for climate change
Voters overwhelmingly backed anti-nuclear campaigners' demands to block any new atomic power in Italy
Ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer. That's what happened in the Italian referendum on nuclear power on Monday, where voters overwhelmingly backed anti-nuclear campaigners' demands to block any new atomic power in Italy. Referendums are not a good way to set energy policy, nor many other aspects of national policy either – if a referendum were held on capital punishment in Britain, a hefty majority would support bringing back hanging.
The Italian result needs to be seen in the context of a wider European political debate where anti-nuclear campaigners – led by the greens – have been successful in discrediting nuclear power. No doubt a referendum in Austria would have the same result, while the governments of Switzerland and Germany have already decided to phase out their nuclear plants altogether in response to the Fukushima accident in Japan.
As a lifelong environmentalist, and author of a 2009 book which laid out the terrifying prospects of uncontrolled global warming, I cannot help but feel that the decisions of the German and Swiss governments rank among the worst climate-related policies of recent years. Carbon emissions cannot do anything other than rise as a result of phasing out the continent's largest source of zero-carbon power – and doing this just a week after the International Energy Agency reported that 2010 carbon emissions rose to the highest levels ever is little short of criminal.
There is perhaps a certain discomfort about the fact that one of the best options for tackling global warming just so happens to be a technology that greens had spent decades opposing before climate change even hit the agenda. I have lost count of the number of times I have heard green groups insisting that climate change is the "greatest challenge ever to face humanity". Yet their refusal to reassess their inherited positions against nuclear power suggest that none of them actually believe what they are saying – or that most environmentalists are prepared to take refuge in ideologically motivated wishful thinking even when the future of the planet is at stake.
If the German greens really took climate change seriously, they would instead be pushing for a phase-out of coal – which generates by far the largest proportion of the country's power and consequent carbon emissions – from Germany's electricity grid. Instead, the new nuclear phase-out plan will see a hefty 11GW of new coal plants built in years to come, with an additional 5GW of new gas. The only way emissions from these plants could be controlled would be through "carbon capture and storage" (CCS) – yet Greenpeace in Germany has already mounted a successful scaremongering campaign against this new technology, helping to ensure that future fossil emissions will go into the atmosphere unabated.
Unfortunately, the new coal plants will spew out more radioactivity into surrounding areas than any of the German nuclear plants would have done if they stayed open, thanks to the fact that trace isotopes in coal escape up power station chimneys. That all of this has come about in response to Fukushima – a non-fatal accident which has so far injured no one, not even the workers who have bravely battled to stabilise the tsunami-stricken reactors – elevates irrationality to a guiding principle of political policy in countries which supposedly pride themselves in taking scientific rationality seriously.
Indeed, it would be far more rational on a risk-precautionary basis to phase out Germany's organic farming sector, given that the recent E coli outbreak – now traced to organic sprouts produced on a farm in Lower Saxony – has killed nearly as many people as Chernobyl (36 at the time of writing, with 700 or more suffering permanent kidney damage). I have not of course heard any suggestions to this end from the German greens. And just imagine the hullaballoo had the sprouts been genetically modified instead of the "healthy" organic option.
The German government insists that the nuclear phase-out plan is entirely compatible with its emission-reduction goals. Yet this is the same government which recently extended subsidies for loss-making coal mines until 2018. It also flies in the face of mathematical logic: in 2008 Germany relied on nuclear for 23 percent of its electricity. Renewable generation in Germany has increased substantially in recent years (to 17% in 2010) – yet to ask renewables to replace nuclear as well as fossil fuels will make the achievement of Germany's climate goals doubly difficult, and therefore twice as unlikely to actually happen.
The silliness does not stop there. Much of Germany's renewables investment has been in solar photovoltaics in recent years, thanks to extraordinarily generous feed-in-tariffs. Yet these solar roofs are so expensive that they cost more than €700 per tonne of carbon abated, compared to a carbon price in Europe of €15 or less. One expert study suggests that the whole solar experiment up until this year has already landed German energy consumers with a €120bn liability for the next two decades – this in order to generate a mere 2% of the country's electricity, or less than a single large nuclear plant.
In contrast, the UK's energy policy actually looks quite sensible these days. There is a broad ambition – articulated by the excellent Climate Change Committee – to decarbonise the entire electricity sector by 2030, by deploying nuclear and renewables in roughly equal proportions of 40% or so. There is a lot of sense also in Britain's policy of ramping down feed-in-tariffs for solar PV, which cost the Earth while doing little to reduce emissions in this cloudy northern country. Unlike the UK, however, Germany has gone around trumpeting its new policy as worthy of emulation by other nations – let us hope for the sake of the climate that no-one follows down the blind alley led by the German greens.
• Discuss the future of the green movement with Mark Lynas in London on 6 July
by Hsiaowei Chan on Monday, June 20, 2011 at 11:10pm
如果德國環保人士真的認真看待全球暖化,他們會轉向廢燃煤火力發電,其為德國現今最大發電來源並因此而為最大排碳來源。反觀新的廢核計畫,將會造成在未來幾年裡必須蓋起11GW(1100萬千瓦)(註一)的燃碳火力發電廠,加上5GW(500萬千瓦)的燃氣火力發電廠。唯一控制這些火力發電廠廢氣的方法將是碳收集封存法(Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS)。而綠色和平組織已經在德國成功地植入危言聳聽的運動反對這項新科技,此舉更確保未來石化廢氣將不減地排放入大氣。
的確,基於預防災害的原則,因追蹤到德國有機農場所生產的豆芽菜造成最近大腸桿菌(E coli)大流行一事,其已造成幾乎與車諾比事件相同的死亡人數(作者撰寫本文時為36人,700多人將因此而終身洗腎)廢除有機農業將是一個理性的抉擇。當然,我並沒有聽到任何人如此建議德國環保人士。而且想像大家只針對豆芽菜是基因改造而非「健康」有機蔬菜而喧囂。
原文在/Original article is at http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2011/jun/15/italy-nuclear-referendum
What Italy's nuclear referendum means for climate change
Voters overwhelmingly backed anti-nuclear campaigners' demands to block any new atomic power in Italy
Ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer. That's what happened in the Italian referendum on nuclear power on Monday, where voters overwhelmingly backed anti-nuclear campaigners' demands to block any new atomic power in Italy. Referendums are not a good way to set energy policy, nor many other aspects of national policy either – if a referendum were held on capital punishment in Britain, a hefty majority would support bringing back hanging.
The Italian result needs to be seen in the context of a wider European political debate where anti-nuclear campaigners – led by the greens – have been successful in discrediting nuclear power. No doubt a referendum in Austria would have the same result, while the governments of Switzerland and Germany have already decided to phase out their nuclear plants altogether in response to the Fukushima accident in Japan.
As a lifelong environmentalist, and author of a 2009 book which laid out the terrifying prospects of uncontrolled global warming, I cannot help but feel that the decisions of the German and Swiss governments rank among the worst climate-related policies of recent years. Carbon emissions cannot do anything other than rise as a result of phasing out the continent's largest source of zero-carbon power – and doing this just a week after the International Energy Agency reported that 2010 carbon emissions rose to the highest levels ever is little short of criminal.
There is perhaps a certain discomfort about the fact that one of the best options for tackling global warming just so happens to be a technology that greens had spent decades opposing before climate change even hit the agenda. I have lost count of the number of times I have heard green groups insisting that climate change is the "greatest challenge ever to face humanity". Yet their refusal to reassess their inherited positions against nuclear power suggest that none of them actually believe what they are saying – or that most environmentalists are prepared to take refuge in ideologically motivated wishful thinking even when the future of the planet is at stake.
If the German greens really took climate change seriously, they would instead be pushing for a phase-out of coal – which generates by far the largest proportion of the country's power and consequent carbon emissions – from Germany's electricity grid. Instead, the new nuclear phase-out plan will see a hefty 11GW of new coal plants built in years to come, with an additional 5GW of new gas. The only way emissions from these plants could be controlled would be through "carbon capture and storage" (CCS) – yet Greenpeace in Germany has already mounted a successful scaremongering campaign against this new technology, helping to ensure that future fossil emissions will go into the atmosphere unabated.
Unfortunately, the new coal plants will spew out more radioactivity into surrounding areas than any of the German nuclear plants would have done if they stayed open, thanks to the fact that trace isotopes in coal escape up power station chimneys. That all of this has come about in response to Fukushima – a non-fatal accident which has so far injured no one, not even the workers who have bravely battled to stabilise the tsunami-stricken reactors – elevates irrationality to a guiding principle of political policy in countries which supposedly pride themselves in taking scientific rationality seriously.
Indeed, it would be far more rational on a risk-precautionary basis to phase out Germany's organic farming sector, given that the recent E coli outbreak – now traced to organic sprouts produced on a farm in Lower Saxony – has killed nearly as many people as Chernobyl (36 at the time of writing, with 700 or more suffering permanent kidney damage). I have not of course heard any suggestions to this end from the German greens. And just imagine the hullaballoo had the sprouts been genetically modified instead of the "healthy" organic option.
The German government insists that the nuclear phase-out plan is entirely compatible with its emission-reduction goals. Yet this is the same government which recently extended subsidies for loss-making coal mines until 2018. It also flies in the face of mathematical logic: in 2008 Germany relied on nuclear for 23 percent of its electricity. Renewable generation in Germany has increased substantially in recent years (to 17% in 2010) – yet to ask renewables to replace nuclear as well as fossil fuels will make the achievement of Germany's climate goals doubly difficult, and therefore twice as unlikely to actually happen.
The silliness does not stop there. Much of Germany's renewables investment has been in solar photovoltaics in recent years, thanks to extraordinarily generous feed-in-tariffs. Yet these solar roofs are so expensive that they cost more than €700 per tonne of carbon abated, compared to a carbon price in Europe of €15 or less. One expert study suggests that the whole solar experiment up until this year has already landed German energy consumers with a €120bn liability for the next two decades – this in order to generate a mere 2% of the country's electricity, or less than a single large nuclear plant.
In contrast, the UK's energy policy actually looks quite sensible these days. There is a broad ambition – articulated by the excellent Climate Change Committee – to decarbonise the entire electricity sector by 2030, by deploying nuclear and renewables in roughly equal proportions of 40% or so. There is a lot of sense also in Britain's policy of ramping down feed-in-tariffs for solar PV, which cost the Earth while doing little to reduce emissions in this cloudy northern country. Unlike the UK, however, Germany has gone around trumpeting its new policy as worthy of emulation by other nations – let us hope for the sake of the climate that no-one follows down the blind alley led by the German greens.
• Discuss the future of the green movement with Mark Lynas in London on 6 July
2011年6月13日 星期一
這次渡假的地點是Canaria islands的Fuerteventura,大家都說他有超美的沙灘,的確如此,但如果你腦中想像的是墨西哥或是巴哈馬那種,可能要稍微修正一下,Fuerteventura有點原始、有點粗糙,就因如此而充滿了野性美。
Fuerteventura濱海沒有丘陵旅館也都只有一兩層樓,很難找到面海的房間。這次的落腳的地方叫做Corralero,是個可愛的小鎮,不像其他的地方只有resort。住的旅館是Duna Park Atlantis(4星),65歐/晩。看到價錢就知道,這個四星就是剛好能讓你滿意,沒有任何奢華感,服務人員非常親切,地點非常好,幾乎在市中心,走路兩分鐘到海灘,一分鐘就有餐廳,十分鐘到港口(大部分的好餐廳都在港口),房間又很安靜。
在Fuerteventura的娛樂並沒有很多,即使已經待在比較大的Corralero,bar大概不到二十間,這裡有live music但幾乎找不到dancing club。不像Gran Canaria隨便一個點都有至少兩三間dancing clubs。在這裡很多是全家一起出遊,40%的人都有嬰兒車,沙灘上每天都有一堆挖沙的小孩。除了喝酒之外,Fuerteventura可以找到很多陽光的娛樂,像是Buggy trip(繞當地只長一堆真菌的沙漠和休火山)、surfing、wind-surfing、kite-surfing,還可以浮潛或是潛水,我跟f一個都沒去,每天就等雲開曬太陽。
當然不是每天雲都會開,有一兩天整天都是陰天,我們就驅車往"傳說中"的當地都市La Oliva開去,眼睛所見,簡直震撼到了極點,出了Corralero,一直都是乾漠,沒有沙、就是乾。

在Fuerteventura的娛樂並沒有很多,即使已經待在比較大的Corralero,bar大概不到二十間,這裡有live music但幾乎找不到dancing club。不像Gran Canaria隨便一個點都有至少兩三間dancing clubs。在這裡很多是全家一起出遊,40%的人都有嬰兒車,沙灘上每天都有一堆挖沙的小孩。除了喝酒之外,Fuerteventura可以找到很多陽光的娛樂,像是Buggy trip(繞當地只長一堆真菌的沙漠和休火山)、surfing、wind-surfing、kite-surfing,還可以浮潛或是潛水,我跟f一個都沒去,每天就等雲開曬太陽。
當然不是每天雲都會開,有一兩天整天都是陰天,我們就驅車往"傳說中"的當地都市La Oliva開去,眼睛所見,簡直震撼到了極點,出了Corralero,一直都是乾漠,沒有沙、就是乾。
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